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CAN202 Analogue and Digital Communications I Coursework AY202324
1. 100 marks are available from this coursework (20% towards the total mark of CAN202)
2. Please submit one PDF file that contains your answers and CORRECT student ID.
3. Release date of the coursework: Friday 5
th April 2024.
4. Due date of the coursework: 23:59, Monday 6
th May 2024.
5. There are 11 questions in total. Answer ALL questions.
6. If asked, support your answer with figures. Make sure the figures are READABLE.
7. Append all necessary codes at the end of the to-be-submitted PDF or at the
corresponding answers.
8. No generative AI may be used when completing the coursework.
9. Learning outcome accessed: A, B, E.
10. The usual late-submission policy may apply (e.g., 5 marks deduction per working day).
The questions begin:
Figure 1 shows a periodic triangular wave
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