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and multiplicative scaling. By updating the individual pixel values in the image’s matrix, you can manipulate the
image in various ways to achieve the desired result. We will provide you with the starting code and required files
for the project.
Environment Setup
Code link:
1. Set up visual studio code for C/C++: Visual Studio Code C/C++ setup.
2. Download the code and set up your environment.
3. Rename the file FIRSTNAME LASTNAME NETID with your first name, last name, and NETID.
4. Test by running make. To learn more about make, read this Makefile tutorial.
Part I (35 points)
Create a templated class named Vector that serves as a fundamental component for implementing matrices in the
image-processing library (from Project 1) that performs matrix operations on images. The Vector class should be
capable of storing a collection of homogeneous data of any data type. Implement the class using either an array or
a linked list, based on your preference. The class should provide the following functionalities:
1. int getsize(): A member function that returns the size of the vector, i.e., the number of elements it
2. Copy constructor: A constructor that creates a new vector as a copy of an existing one.
3. Assignment operator (operator=): An operator that allows the assignment of one vector to another.
4. Destructor: A destructor that cleans up any resources the vector uses.
5. Input and output stream operators (operator>> and operator<<): Operators that allow reading from and
writing to input and output streams, respectively.
6. Arithmetic operators (operator+, operator-, and operator*): Operators that allow addition, subtraction, and multiplication of vectors.
7. Subscript operator (operator[]): An operator that provides access to individual elements of the vector
based on their index.
8. Additionally, implement any member functions as virtual if you believe they should be overrideable in derived classes. This class will later be used to create the Matrix class, which will be an essential part of the
image-processing library.
9. Constructors also need to be defined for the Vector object to be usable.
Part II (35 points)
Create a new class named Matrix that represents a matrix of elements of type uint8 t. The Matrix class should
utilize the Vector class through composition to implement the matrix structure, where each row or column of
the matrix is represented as an instance of the Vector class. The class should provide implementations for the
following operators and member functions:
1. Copy constructor
2. Assignment operator (operator=)
3. Destructor
4. Input and output stream operators (operator>> and operator<<)
5. Arithmetic operators (operator+, operator-, and operator*)
6. Subscript operator (operator[])
Additionally, implement the following new member functions in the Matrix class:
1. int getrows(): A member function that returns the number of rows in the matrix.
2. int getcols(): A member function that returns the number of columns in the matrix.
The Matrix class will serve as an essential component in the image-processing library (from Project 1) that performs matrix operations on images. The composition of Vector instances allows the Matrix class to leverage the
functionalities of the Vector class while maintaining the semantic distinction between vectors and matrices.
Part III (30 points)
Create a new Image class that inherits from the Matrix class and implements all the functions described in Project
1. The Image class should have the following properties:
• filePath: The file path for the image.
• numChannels: The number of color channels (e.g., 3 for RGB images).
• width: The width of the image in pixels.
• height: The height of the image in pixels.
The Image class should be capable of performing the following operations on images:
1. Scaling an image
2. Adding two images
3. Subtracting two images
4. Multiplying two images
The operations for scaling, adding, subtracting, and multiplying images should be implemented as overloaded
operators (+, -, and *).
Part IV (30 points) EXTRA CREDIT
• Add a function called transpose() to the Matrix class. This function should generate the transpose of
the original matrix, such that each element in the transposed matrix MT is given by the formula MT
i j = Mji,
where Mji is the element in the j-th row and i-th column of the original matrix M. The resulting matrix MT
should have dimensions that are the transpose of the original matrix’s dimensions, i.e., if the original matrix
M has dimensions m ⇥ n, the transposed matrix MT should have dimensions n ⇥ m.
• Additionally, create a function called resize() in the Image class that uses the stb image resize library
to resize an image and populates the Image object accordingly. The resize() function should take the
original image of dimensions m ⇥ n (height m and width n) and produce a resized image of dimensions p ⇥ q
(new height p and new width q), where p and q are the target dimensions for resizing. Use the functions
provided by the stb image resize library to perform the resizing operation, preserving the aspect ratio
and visual content of the image while adjusting its size. The resized image should be stored in the Image
You may want to write a main.cpp file that tests the Image class with real images, executing all the operations
implemented in the previous parts of this project.
Please zip your code and submit it via Canvas. You must include the file with your name and NETID (as specified
in Section and your modified headers.
An illustration of the file structure is shown below:
The file organizational structure for this project is as follows:
• Makefile
• src
– Image.cpp
– Image.h
– Matrix.cpp
– Matrix.h
– Vector.h
– main.cpp
• stb image
– stb image.h
– stb image resize.h
– stb image write.h
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