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“Just like the real game… but less!”
This game is a simplified version of the popular board game, Clue®. The main simplification is
in the navigation of the game board. In Clue-Less there are the same nine rooms, six weapons,
and six characters as in the board game. The rules are pretty much the same except for moving
from room to room.
▪ The rooms are laid out in a 3x3 grid with a hallway separating each pair of adjacent rooms.
(See fig. 1.)
▪ All characters are located in starter squares as indicated in the schematic in fig. 1. The first
move for each player is to move their character to the adjacent hallway.
▪ Each hallway only holds up to one character. If a character is currently in a hallway, you
may not move there.
▪ When it is your turn, you don’t need to roll a die.
▪ Your options of moving are limited to the following:
o If you are in a room, you may do one of the following:
− Move through one of the doors to the hallway (if it is not blocked).
− Take a secret passage to a diagonally opposite room (if there is one) and make a
− If you were moved to the room by another player who has made a suggestion, you
may, if you wish, stay in that room and make a suggestion. Otherwise, you may
move through a doorway or take a secret passage as described above.
o If you are in a hallway, you must do the following:
− Move to one of the two rooms accessible from that hallway and make a suggestion.
▪ If all exits are blocked (i.e., there are characters in all of the hallways) and you are not in one
of the corner rooms (with a secret passage), and you weren’t moved to the room by another
player making a suggestion, you can not make a suggestion (but you can make an
▪ Your first move must be to the hallway that is adjacent to your home square. The inactive
characters stay in their home squares until they are moved to a room by someone making a
▪ As in the regular game, whenever a suggestion is made, you only specify the character and
the weapon. The room must be the room the one making the suggestion is currently in. The
suspect in the suggestion is moved to the room in the suggestion.
▪ You may make an accusation at any time during your turn.
▪ You don’t need to show weapons on the board, since they really don’t do anything (but this
would be a nice feature). But you should show where each of the characters is located.
Requirements for your computerized version of Clue-Less:
▪ Each player should access the game from a separate computer or browser, with a graphical
user interface.
▪ The game rules are the same as in regular Clue except for the navigation (which is described
▪ Each time the game state changes (a character is moved, a suggestion is made, a player
disproves a suggestion, or a player is unable to disprove a suggestion) all players should be
▪ You should document the message interfaces between the clients and the Clue-Less server in
your software requirements specification document. There will be messages from a client to
the server, messages from the server to a specific client, and broadcast messages to all
clients from the server.
▪ These messages should be considered as triggers for use cases at the subsystem (client or
server) level.
▪ Consider using a text-based client for the minimal system, and a GUI version in the target.
▪ Feel free to change any of the names of characters, rooms, or weapons, as well as graphics.
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