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MedPro International Sponsors Medical Services to Over 300 Patients
2024-07-10 13:26:38 资讯 MedPro Healthcare StaffingSUNRISE, Florida, USA, July 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - MedPro International, through its philanthropic Global Giving program, sponsored medical services to more than 300 patients at a one-day event in Loma in Biñan City, Philippines. Held at a local medical center, the event provided comprehensive care, including vital screenings, cardiac EKG tests, x-rays, urine analyses, and doctor consultations.
"We recognize the importance of healthcare access and its direct correlation to a prosperous community,” said MedPro International Executive Vice President Patty Jeffrey. “We're focused on giving back to these communities which have played such a critical role in supporting U.S. healthcare.”
All patients received thorough medical evaluations from volunteer doctors and nurses, followed by any necessary testing. Patients were given vitamins, a 30-day supply of medication for conditions such as hypertension, and a prescription for future use. The event took place on a Saturday to accommodate working parents, ensuring both adults and children could receive essential health and wellness services.
"Most of Loma's 15,000 residents rarely have the opportunity to see a doctor or must travel long distances to get care,” said International Recruitment Manager Anna Carbonell. “Today's event greatly impacted this community's well-being.”
MedPro International, in partnership with Perpetual Health, provided funding for the event. MedPro International plans to host events and partner with local universities and hospitals to support existing programs.
Global Giving
Recognizing that healthcare sustainability is a pressing global concern, MedPro International is committed to fostering enduring relationships to address the unique healthcare needs of local communities around the world and nurture the next generation of healthcare professionals.
Global Giving prioritizes partnering with other organizations to serve local communities' health needs and equipping students and faculty with the necessary tools and knowledge to excel as healthcare clinicians.
About MedPro International
Since 2006, MedPro International has been preparing and deploying more foreign-educated healthcare professionals in the United States than any other staffing company in the U.S. MedPro International handles all costs and aspects of immigration, licensing, credentialing, testing, clinical and U.S. assimilation training, and education to ensure healthcare workers a successful transition into the U.S. healthcare system.
As a member of the American Association of International Healthcare Recruitment (AAIHR), MedPro International subscribes to the AAIHR code of ethics, which ensures the ethical treatment of foreign-educated healthcare professionals through full support sponsorship. MedPro assists healthcare professionals at each step, assessing their capabilities and personal preferences to secure a fitting assignment at one of our client sites. To find out more, go to https://www.medprointernational.com/apply/ to complete a brief application, and a Recruiter will contact you right away! Or you can call us at 954.739.4247.
Bonny Johnson
MedPro Healthcare Staffing
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