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At the Yacht Club de Monaco the Pink Wave Sailing Team sends their message for the International Wom
2024-03-08 21:05:27 资讯 Yacht Club de MonacoMONACO, March 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “We see a lot of women apologize and say ‘i’m not good enough, i’m not this, i’m not that’ and then we see men that get on board and say ‘i can do anything’. Women should just try and if you fail you fail, you just get up again or you stop. Just try”. Launching the message from the waters of Monaco is the Pink Wave Sailing Team, the only women’s sailing team at the Yacht club de Monaco. On the international women's day and while they’re taking part to the 40th Primo Cup in the Principality, one of the most renowned one design gathering in the Mediterranean, their voice comes out loud and clear: “We bought the boat for that reason, to prove that it’s worth to try and if it doesn’t work out it, then it doesn’t even if it has worked out very well for us till now”, says Kathrin Hoyos smiling with the other team members next to their J/70.
For the Pink Waves the Primo Cup has a special meaning. Everything started five years ago at the prize ceremony of the race. “We started with a team of five girls and we’re now a platform of 55 sailing women of the Yacht club. We only bought the boat five years ago so we’re super happy and we’re very much looking forward to the competition”.
The team is also looking forward to the Women Leading Sailing Trophy: an all ‘pink’ J/70 regatta organised by the YCM with the Fédération Monégasque de Voile and the Fédération Française de Voile, as part of the Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting initiative, the Yacht Club de Monaco. “There were 8 teams last year and this year there are more than 20 teams. We’re looking forward to it and to all our friends coming from overseas. There’s a team coming from Korea and another one from the United States, a lot of international women and a very high sailing level”, says Anne Schouten of the Pink Wave team. Times are changing.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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