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Superfoods, robots and AI: innovation bursts onto the scene at Alimentaria & Hostelco
2024-04-03 08:31:57 资讯 Fira De BarcelonaBARCELONA, Spain, April 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Alimentaria & Hostelco 2024, the leading event for the food and beverages, and the catering and hospitality industries, showcased products born from innovation, ranging from cutlets enriched with Omega-3, bacon and vegetable lamb, gin made from Arbequina olives, ingredients against diabetes, and robots and artificial intelligence to manage restaurants and provide personalized customer service. These products together with hundreds more were showcased during the event held in Barcelona (Spain) during March 18-21.
The event that took place at Fira de Barcelona's Gran Via venue became a showcase for the food and hospitality industry of the future. 3,200 companies exhibited their most innovative products, most of which were created in response to consumer concern for their health and well-being.
Among these featured 'Upgrated meat': a cutlet created with lean meat that is 'printed' with vegetable fat, cholesterol-free, has Omega-3, vitamin D and magnesium thanks to the 3D technology of the firm Cocuus. Other examples included Vicky Foods' organic fruit smoothie enriched with collagen and vitamin B or the +protein products: condiments, bread, ready meals or charcuterie with extra protein. There were also new flavors and formats such as Eurocaviar's fruit in spheres; an artisan gin made with Arbequina olives and coriander seeds or Bubble Tea green tea with fruit jelly bubbles that explode in the mouth.
Alimentaria & Hostelco also showcased collaborative robots with AI that promise to revolutionize the Horeca sector: robot waiters, cleaners connected to integrated solutions or intelligent trolleys that improve logistical efficiency in a hotel or restaurant warehouse. Multi-channel systems that apply AI to a restaurant were also on display: from booking registration to ordering and production in the kitchen.
In addition, the event highlighted 14 start-ups that are revolutionizing the sector with proposals for ingredients to improve health and technological solutions that promote the sustainability of processes.
Alimentaria & Hostelco, organized by Alimentaria Exhibitions, a Fira de Barcelona company, hosted around 3,200 exhibitor companies and 108,000 professional visitors, 25% of them international, reaffirming its leadership as the leading platform for business, internationalization and networking. This edition, with more than 900 foreign companies, was the most international one held to date.
Press Alimentaria: Susana Santamaria ssantamaria@alimentaria.com
Press Hostelco: Gloria Dilluvio gdilluvio@firabarcelona.com
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