> 资讯
ACAMS Assembly APAC to Highlight the Evolution of Anti-Financial Crime Measures in the Asia-Pacific
The two-day gathering will address efforts to meet FATF’s standards, emerging technologies, fraud challenges, cryptoasset complexities and sanctions conflict HONG KONG, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIR...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:ACAMS安普达信惊艳亮相CITE2024,国产创新解决方案实力圈粉!
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:Stevie® 奖公布第 18 届年度销售与客户服务 Stevie® 奖获奖者
弗吉尼亚州,费尔法克斯, April 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - 周五晚,在美国内华达州拉斯维加斯举行的盛大颁奖典礼上,第 18 届年度销售与客户服务 Stevie® 奖的获奖者揭晓,该奖项被视为世界顶级的客户服务将和销...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:Stevie® 奖景德镇为来自世界各地的艺术家们提供了源源不断的创新动力
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:河南教育培训平台:点亮智慧之光,引领未来之路
在快速发展的现代社会中,教育培训的重要性日益凸显。河南教育培训平台,作为河南省内领先的在线教育平台,以其卓越的教学质量、丰富的课程资源和贴心的服务,赢得了广大学员和社会各界的广泛赞誉。 河南教育培训......
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:智享新鲜生活,澳柯玛多场景解决方案亮相广交会
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:CARBIOS公司在2024年香港国际创科展(InnoEX)之际荣获“非常法国、非凡创新”(So French So Innovative)奖
CARBIOS公司在2024年香港国际创科展(InnoEX)之际荣获“非常法国、非凡创新”(So French So Innovative)奖,该奖项旨在表彰法国在亚太地区的卓越创新贡献 克莱蒙费朗(法国),2024年4月16日,星期二(欧洲中部时...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:生物回收技术CARBIOS wins "So French So Innovative" award at InnoEX 2024, Hong Kong, recognizing French
CARBIOS wins "So French So Innovative" award at InnoEX 2024, Hong Kong, recognizing French innovation in Asia Pacific Clermont-Ferrand, France, Tuesday 16 April 2024 (6.30pm CET) CARBIOS (Euronext ...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:PET biorecycling circular economyAscom Annual General Meeting approves increased dividend payout of CHF 0.30
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Baar, Switzerland, April 16, 2024 At the Annual General Meeting held in Zug on April 16, 2024, the shareholders of Ascom Holding AG approved all proposals...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:AscomAscom Annual General Meeting approves increased dividend payout of CHF 0.30
Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR Baar, Switzerland, April 16, 2024 At the Annual General Meeting held in Zug on April 16, 2024, the shareholders of Ascom Holding AG approved all proposals...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:AscomTeledyne FLIR IIS announces a new stereo vision product for high accuracy robotics applications
Bumblebee X is the latest GigE powered stereo imaging solution that delivers on high-accuracy and low-latency for robotic guidance and pick & place applications RICHMOND, British Columbia, April 16...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:warehouse automation robotics guidance logisticsIIBA Empowers Future Business Analysis Professionals with New Student Membership
IIBA now supports future business analysis professionals worldwide with student membership, providing essential resources to kickstart a career in business analysis. By joining, students gain access t...
资讯 2024-04-17 标签:IIBA business analysis IIBA student membership开启行业柜口无霜先河 美菱柜口无霜冷柜全球首发
从有霜、减霜到柜口无霜,12月18日,在渤海之滨天津,家电品牌美菱全球首发柜口无霜系列冷柜,再次征服冷柜行业技术无人区,将不可能变为可能,率先开启行业柜口无霜先河。 科技创新对于家电企业来说,最...
资讯 2024-04-16 标签:DALI Alliance Launch Test and Certification Specifications for DALI+
LONDON, April 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The DALI Alliance, recognized as the international authority in lighting technology standardization, has unveiled much-anticipated certification details for...
资讯 2024-04-16 标签:Lighting Lighting Industry Certification科技新品亮相广交会 长虹美菱以新促质加速海外布局
资讯 2024-04-16 标签:
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