> 资讯
Io Therapeutics, Inc., announces presentation of data from studies of its RAR gamma agonist compound
Io Therapeutics, Inc., announces presentation of data from studies of its RAR gamma agonist compound IRX5010 in treatment of a mouse model of triple negative breast cancer, demonstrating combination t...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:Io TherapeuticsHarbert South Bay Capitalizes Development of The James Luxury Seniors Housing Community in Southern
IRVINE, Calif., Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Harbert Management Corporation’s (“HMC”) South Bay team (“Harbert South Bay” or the “Team”) announced today that it has capitalized the ground-...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:The James South Bay HMCIntroducing babybubble: A Revolutionary NEW Parenting App Combining Expert Advice with Real-World Ve
Created to deliver expert reviewed & qualified insights for women, including insight into challenges often overlooked; babybubble redefines motherhood guidance with a simple, evidence-backed approach ...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:parenting app fertility momsMavenir and Boost Mobile Achieve Industry-First Validation and Commercial In-Service for Inter-Vendo
Open RAN solutions connected via a 3GPP Xn interface within Boost Mobile's 5G infrastructure for seamless mobility Boost Mobile's customers experience uninterrupted and consistent service in areas us...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:3GPP OpenRAN 5GFounder Group Enters the US$180 Billion AI Market With AI-Powered Drone Technology for Solar Farm In
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Founder Group Limited (NASDAQ: FGL) (“Founder Group” or the “Company”), a leading engineering, procurement, construction, and commissionin...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:AI drone Solar EPCC联合推新,浪味仙×虎邦辣酱解锁辣味新成就
11月,旺旺集团旗下的经典零食品牌浪味仙与热门辣酱品牌虎邦强强联手,共同推出魔鬼特辣味花式薯卷,以惊爆味蕾的口味强势席卷零食界,引发广泛关注。 浪味仙自诞生以来,其独特的DNA螺旋形状花式薯卷凭借...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:Cloudera Powers Autonomous Enterprise Agents for AI Practitioners with CrewAI
SANTA CLARA, Calif., Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cloudera, the only true hybrid platform for data, analytics, and AI, today announced that CrewAI has joined the Cloudera Enterprise AI Ecosyste...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:AI Artificial intelligence AI Agents Agentic AI揭秘!国内食品安全问题层出,德国进口“杉宝”抗衰补剂,跨境订单持续上涨!
近期,第六届健康中国与食品安全发展大会暨名优特产品清远推介会在广东举办。大会以“发展绿色生态食品 实现健康安全保障”为主题,分享最新研究成果和实践经验,为推动健康中国与食品安全发展提供有力智力支持。 不......
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:揭秘!国内食品安全问题层出,德国进口“杉宝”抗衰补剂,跨境订单持续上涨!守护百分百少儿好不好?教育健康两不误,未雨绸缪为爱加码
在孩子人生的前20年,靠的是父母兜底。什么叫兜底?就是吃喝玩乐靠父母,买保险还是需要靠父母。从摇篮到青春,孩子成长的每一步 都不能裸露在风险中,有家长给孩子买了很多款少儿保险,买多买贵不如买对。平安守护百......
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:共话计算产业发展,引领数智时代变革 第二届全国先进计算技术创新大赛总决赛即将开幕
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:李建林(理炫)荣获武当山“优秀非物质文化遗产代表性传承人”
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:WillScot Announces Executive Leadership Transitions
Tim Boswell to Assume Newly Created Role of Chief Operating Officer Matt Jacobsen Promoted to Chief Financial Officer PHOENIX, Dec. 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WillScot Holdings Corp. (“WillScot”...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:WillScotTeva Announces New Patient Access Program with Direct Relief to Provide Access to Inhalers for Unins
Teva to provide two generic inhaler products to Direct Relief for its network of free and charitable clinics The program, launching this month, will run for a minimum of three years PARSI...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:Inhalers access program维娜是直销产品吗:品牌发展与消费者信任正文:
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:第二届深圳国际智慧养老产业博览会圆满落幕,慧讯软件荣获“十佳新锐企业”!
展会介绍 10月25至27日,第二届深圳国际智慧养老产业博览会在深圳会展中心(福田)盛大举行,吸引了全球203家智慧养老企业的积极参与,集中展示了超过1000种智慧养老产品和技术。 展会涵盖了智慧产品、适老化改造...
资讯 2024-12-12 标签:
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