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LambdaTest Announces algoQA Integration for Enhanced Testing Efficiency
2024-03-01 11:23:27 资讯 LambdatestLambdaTest and algoQA integration streamlines automation testing, boosts efficiency, and enhances developer productivity, enabling faster time-to-market and cost savings for businesses.
San Francisco, Feb. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LambdaTest, a leading cloud-based unified testing platform, announces its integration with algoQA, an end-to-end automation testing platform powered by artificial intelligence. With the seamless integration of these platforms' capabilities, businesses may gain remarkable efficiency and substantially boost developer productivity.
Companies can cut their time-to-market by taking advantage of the combined expertise of LambdaTest and Algoshack to identify and solve issues faster, which will ultimately reduce development costs and improve return on investment.
Teams might precisely plan their testing efforts using this integration, minimizing friction while they progress from test case creation to execution. With a more efficient process, developers may focus on developing high-quality code, as automated testing tackles the task of detecting and reporting potential issues.
"With the integration of algoQA into LambdaTest, users can seamlessly access an extensive online browser farm for automated testing," said Mayank Bhola, Co-Founder and Head of Product at LambdaTest. "This collaboration not only empowers testing teams to achieve greater test coverage and enhance their overall testing efficiency but also significantly boosts developer productivity by streamlining the testing process."
In addition, this integration allows development and testing teams to collaborate and work together to achieve mutual goals. Enhanced testing processes, test insights, and real-time feedback enable stakeholders to make well-informed decisions that lead to software solutions that meet customer expectations.
"After integrating algoQA with LambdaTest, testing teams can streamline their automation test execution processes," stated Jayakishore, Vice President of Product and Technology at Algoshack. "This integration simplifies test execution and helps organizations save time and resources, allowing developers to focus on delivering high-quality products."
For more information about the Algoshack integration with LambdaTest, visit https://www.lambdatest.com/support/docs/algoqa-integration/
About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is an intelligent and omnichannel enterprise execution environment that helps businesses drastically reduce time to market through Just in Time Test Orchestration (JITTO), ensuring quality releases and accelerated digital transformation. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2+ million users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing needs.
● Browser & App Testing Cloud allows users to run both manual and automated tests of web and mobile apps across a wide range of different browsers, real devices, and operating system environments.
● HyperExecute helps customers run and orchestrate test grids in the cloud for any framework and programming language at blazing-fast speeds to cut down on quality test time, helping developers build software faster.
For more information visit https://lambdatest.com
About AlgoShack
AlgoShack is a start-up, born digital, intelligent test automation platform company with a vision to transform software delivery by leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Deep Technology. AlgoShack’s platform algoQA democratizes test automation by inviting participation from everyone in the ecosystem. algoQA produces, within minutes, test cases, datasets & executable test scripts. The easy-to-use platform helps the community auto-generate quality work products that are fit-for-purpose and fit-for-use. Test scripts produced are in the technology or choice and can be executed anywhere.
AlgoShack helps its customers to develop better software faster, significantly reducing their R&D costs, accelerating time to market, enhancing quality, and bringing down business risks.
For more information, please visit, https://algoshack.com/
Contact press@lambdatest.com
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