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Single Use Support Headquarters Kufstein, Austria
Single Use Support. Pioneering Biopharma. Fluid and Cold Chain Management Process Solution Provider Innovative process solution provider Single Use
Support continues to deliver strong organic growth, supported by an expansion in its employee base. With a successful year 2023 in the rear-view mirror, 2024 is already shaping up to be even better.
KUFSTEIN, Austria, Jan. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Single Use Support has established the groundwork for an exciting new year ahead: the process solution provider anticipates further growth across its global operations.
More than 70% growth of non-COVID business
Following strong growth of COVID-related projects in previous years, Single Use Support grew its non-COVID business by more than 70% in 2023. The Austrian-based process solution provider serves the most innovative and prominent pharmaceutical companies to develop novel therapies and advanced lifesaving therapeutics. The fluid management specialist covers well-established drug classes such as monoclonal antibodies as well as emerging therapeutics in areas such as cell and gene therapies, antibody-drug conjugates, and others.
Employee base grows by 40%
The continued growth of the business is secured by a significant increase in personnel. Single Use Support grew its workforce to over 170 employees, an increase of more than 40% over the last six months. Christian Praxmarer, CEO of Single Use Support, is fully committed to continuing the company’s success story: “Together with our team and with our customers we will continue to grow by offering innovative solutions that address the daily challenges faced by manufacturers in the biopharma industry.”
Strong order backlog for 2024
Single Use Support’s award-winning solutions continued to gain significant traction among major pharmaceutical companies and C(D)MOs globally. Several well-known industry participants have already placed significant orders for consumables and platform systems designed to aliquot, freeze/thaw, store, and ship high-value drug substances. “Based on our current order backlog and ongoing project tenders, we feel confident that we can deliver strong non-COVID-related year-over-year growth in 2024,” added Christopher Dürolf, CFO of Single Use Support.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/0b81e312-6fb3-404c-a50b-03878e6d26fc
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