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At the Yacht Club de Monaco the 40th edition of the Primo Cup celebrates four sailing categories
2024-03-12 21:44:46 资讯 Yacht Club de MonacoAt the Yacht Club de Monaco the 40th edition of the Primo Cup celebrates four sailing categories
At the Yacht Club de Monaco the 40th edition of the Primo Cup celebrates four sailing categories
MONACO, March 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The 40th edition of the Primo Cup-Trophée UBS, the first major international event held under the presidency of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, comes to an end at the Yacht Club de Monaco. This anniversary edition has attracted 90 teams totalling 400 sailors divided across the J/70, Smeralda 888, Longtze Premier and Cape 31 classes. “It was a very special edition for us. After 40 years we’re still here welcoming competitors from all over Europe. Monaco is always the place to test new boats and new technology for the sailing and we’re very proud of it and that this happens under the umbrella of the ‘Monaco Capital of Advanced Yachting,” says YCM General Secretary Bernard d’Alessandri giving also a little insight on what’s happening next at the Club. “I take this opportunity to mention the Yachting Day including the Explorer Awards. It’ll be here during the Ocean Week and we’ll have the pleasure to receive many Explorers. We’ll have 8 boats and around 200 guests, including a delegation of the Explorers Club from New York, around here for this opportunity which is great for the people that have passion for the sea and also innovation.”
Sticking to Primo Cup, in the J/70 class the final victory went to Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio and his monegasque team 'G-Spot', followed by ‘Jerry’ (that also won the amateur Corinthian category) and ‘Moonlight II’. “I am very happy. I always say we got very lucky but behind our luck there’s a lot of work we’ve been doing the whole winter. Primo Cup is one of the most important regattas organised by this Club so I’m very proud of our result. We won in 2021 and now we won again so we’re looking forward to the next one,” says di Lapigio. On the Perpetual Trophy, made by Buccellati, every year it is inscribed the name of the winner of the most represented class, which is J/70, to immortalise the sailing performance. Among the 32 names already engraved (representing eight nations) are Monegasques Claude Rodelato, Ludovico Fassitelli and Giangiacomo Serena di Lapigio, who’s having his name written on it again this year.
Moving on to the Smeralda 888 class, YCM’s Achille Onorato ‘Canard à l’Orange’ topped the ranking, followed by Giovanni Lombardi Stronati ‘Django’ and Paolo Rotelli ‘Black Star’. In Longtze Premier, it is the Swiss on Shensu who dominated being in complete control of their boat. In second place came ‘Wetfeet’ and in third ‘QI’. For the ‘debutant’ Cape 31 first place went to ‘Give me Five’. Second and third were gained by ‘Shotgun’ and ‘Solano II’.
Organised with technical clothing supplier Slam and UBS, and the support of Monaco’s City Hall, over the years the event has established itself as a major one design meeting attracting big names in sailing. Since the eighties, it has also proved a testbed of innovation with Monaco bay becoming a reference for developing novel technologies and experimenting with new concepts at sea.
Next sailing appointment at the Yacht Club de Monaco is the Women Leading and Sailing Trophy (15-17 march).
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse - ufficio.stampa@lapresse.it
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