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U.S.-China Green Institute Celebrates New Milestone in Agricultural Cooperation
2024-03-12 21:53:33 资讯 U.S.-China Green InstituteNEW YORK, March 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S.-China Green Institute (USCGI) announces the signing of a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which formalizes the relationship between the Iowa-based World Food Prize Foundation and the Peoples Republic of China. Signatories to the MOU are the World Food Prize Foundation (WFPF), the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development (CFFPD), and the U.S.-China Green Institute. The US and China have cooperated well on agricultural issues for many years but this is the first formal relationship with the World Food Prize which is considered the “Noble Prize of Agriculture.”
At a ceremony held on December 5, 2023, former U.S. Ambassador to China and Chairman of the World Food Prize Foundation, Terry Branstad, along with Jonathan Krane, CEO of KraneShares, and Longshe Wang, Secretary General of the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development (CFFPD), commemorated the deepening ties and shared commitment to food safety and sustainable agriculture.
The MOU outlines a commitment to establish a collaborative accelerator for sustainable agriculture initiatives, conduct exchange programs for government officials, students, and industry leaders, and revitalize the 2012 U.S.-China Agricultural Summit to enhance cooperation across the agricultural sector.
Ambassador Branstad, in his remarks to the CFFPD, reflected on the longstanding relationship between Iowa and China, and the importance of continued engagement and cooperation in addressing global food security challenges. He noted the unique and personal ties Iowa has with China, including the early visit of President Xi Jinping to the State.
"This agreement is a testament to the enduring partnership and mutual respect between our two nations," stated Ambassador Branstad. "It paves the way for a future where innovation and collaboration in agriculture can flourish, ensuring we can meet the pressing demands of global food security together."
Jonathan Krane, Chair of the USCGI, added, "The signing of this MOU is a commitment to cooperation and a step forward in our mission to foster meaningful dialogue and action on climate change and sustainability. We are excited about the opportunities this will create for the United States and China."
About the U.S.-China Green Institute
The U.S.-China Green Institute is a prominent non-profit organization dedicated to fostering collaboration between the U.S. and China on climate change and green initiatives. The Institute's mission is to ensure continued constructive engagement between the two superpowers in addressing the climate crisis. https://uschinagreeninstitute.org/
About the World Food Prize Foundation
The World Food Prize Foundation (WFPF), established by Nobel laureate Dr. Norman E. Borlaug and led by current president Terry Branstad, is dedicated to championing solutions to global food security challenges. It awards the esteemed annual World Food Prize, honoring significant contributions to the enhancement of food quality, quantity, and availability. Through its international symposium, the Borlaug Dialogue, and educational initiatives like the Global Youth Institute, the WFPF fosters innovation and inspires action in the fight against hunger worldwide. Headquartered in Des Moines, Iowa, the WFPF is a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change in the global quest to end hunger.
About the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development (CFFPD)
To open up new prospects for people-to-people diplomacy and to further integrate its resources, the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) established the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development (CFFPD) on May 15, 1996. CFFPD is China’s first 4A-level public fundraising foundation in people-to-people diplomacy; it is registered with the approval of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People’s Republic of China and overseen by the CPAFFC.
The Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC) is a national people’s organization engaged in people-to-people diplomacy since its inception in 1954. As the primary channel for China's citizen diplomacy, CPAFFC's mission is to enhance understanding, promote mutual respect, and foster long-term friendships between the people of China and other nations. Through a variety of cultural exchanges, educational partnerships, and economic collaborations, CPAFFC plays a pivotal role in cultivating a positive image of China and establishing cooperative relationships that contribute to international community development and peace.
Contact: Joseph Dube – KraneShares, Head of Marketing Joseph.Dube@kraneshares.com
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