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Boyden Norway and ISCO Group Merge to Form Leadership Solutions Powerhouse
2024-03-12 22:01:49 资讯 BoydenMarket-leading brands combine sector specialisation and global reach, strengthening leadership and talent expertise for Norwegian, European and multinational clients
OSLO, Norway, March 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Boyden, a premier global leadership and talent advisory firm, is delighted to announce its merger in Norway with leading Norwegian firm ISCO Group, a pioneer in helping clients to drive growth through executive search and leadership expertise.
Kjetil Haug-Nodeland Managing Partner, Boyden-ISCO commented, “On behalf of Boyden, we are very proud to announce this merger with one of the most established and admired firms in the market. There are strong indicators for consolidation in our industry and this strategic move will reshape the executive search and leadership consulting landscape. Clients need global capabilities to pursue international growth and expansion, as well as transformative leaders in fast-changing industries. Our combined capabilities provide the gold standard for these needs.”
Clients will benefit from engaging a boutique firm with a global footprint, running seamless, cross-border client relationships. The firm’s global reach will enable Norwegian, European and multinational companies to acquire world-class leaders in evolving industries, particularly technology, renewables and energy transition. Both firms also have a proven track record in working closely with venture capital and private equity firms, identifying the right C-suite leaders for portfolio, retail and strong branded companies at different growth stages.
Bendik Nicolai Blindheim Managing Partner, Boyden-ISCO added, “On behalf of ISCO, we are very excited about the possibilities this merger brings and the value it will create for our clients. Our two firms are aligned strategically, commercially and culturally with very strong reputations in the market. This merger represents a forward-looking and ambitious step for Boyden Norway and ISCO Group, and we look forward to achieving exceptional results for clients as a unified force in our industry.”
The two firms have 70 years of experience in the market between them. Specialist teams will deliver stand alone or integrated solutions to clients across executive search, board search, management audit, interim management and leadership consulting. With offices at Wergelandsveien 7, 0167 Oslo, the firm will be led by managing partners: Kjetil Haug-Nodeland, Roger Schønning, Birger Svendsen, Bendik Nicolai Blindheim and Ole Petter Melleby.
About Boyden
Boyden is a premier leadership and talent advisory firm with more than 70 offices in over 45 countries. Our global reach enables us to serve client needs anywhere they conduct business. We connect great companies with great leaders through executive search, interim management and leadership consulting solutions. Boyden is ranked amongst the top companies on Forbes’ Americas Best Executive Recruiting Firms for 2023. For further information, visit www.boyden.com.
Michael Puglia
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