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Arthur D. Little Adopts a More Innovative, Open and Client-Oriented Organization
2024-03-26 18:02:20 资讯 互联网LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Arthur D. Little (ADL) today announced a series of organizational changes as the company continues to evolve and strengthen its services and leadership team, and accelerate its ambitious development plan.
The company has refocused its global functional practices on the impact they deliver for clients. The practices are now:
- Growth – led by Francesco Marsella
- Performance – led by Arnaud Jouron
- Innovation – led by Michael Kolk
- Sustainability – led by Carlo Stella
- Transformation – led by Francesco Marsella
To stimulate cross-functional value, Karim Taga will oversee all five practices in a newly created global role.
New leadership appointments have also been announced within ADL’s industry practices:
- Gregory Pankert will now lead the Telecom, IT, Media & Electronics (TIME) practice
- Martin Rauchenwald will now lead the Financial Services (FS) practice
Michael Kruse will take on a newly created transversal global leadership role across all industry practices, fostering growth and convergence in order to develop both global and local accounts.
In addition, Philippe Mauchard will spearhead the acceleration of innovation and artificial intelligence within ADL's open consulting and value consulting model.
Furthermore, ADL has appointed new leaders in key European markets:
- France will now be led by Matteo Ainardi
- Germany will now be led by Michael Zintel
- Belgium & Luxembourg will now be led by Kurt Baes
At a regional level, Coskun Baban will now also lead the Americas cluster, in addition to his current responsibilities for Eastern Europe, while Bernd Schreiber will lead Nordics, UK & Central Europe.
Ignacio Garcia Alves, CEO and Chairman of ADL, comments: “This wave of organizational changes marks the next step in Arthur D. Little’s journey towards an ambitious future. Over the last decade, our collective efforts have led to exceptional performance, and we are now building the foundations for even greater development. These adjustments will enhance our client impact, improve agile collaboration, and make our company more ambidextrous than ever. They also demonstrate our commitment to building the next generation of leaders within Arthur D. Little by making regular succession planning the norm.”
For further information, please visit www.adlittle.com
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